Do you remember where you were before you were born? Where do our memories go, beginning at incarnation? Our earliest memories disappear from our ego-consciousness, but they’re still in our subconscious, including memories of past lives, and can be retrieved through hypnotic regression therapy, deep meditation in a theta wave state and in consciousness beyond the body. The subconscious records everything and stores it for us and for universal consciousness.
For the limits of our conscious minds, we’ve set boundaries of frequencies and polarities, so that we wouldn’t reach total freakout by the dark force, while allowing it to move gradually toward complete control of humanity. We have things happen to us as a result of giving our life force, through our attention and alignment with energy patterns, to the qualities we hold in our thoughts and feelings. The dark force exists apart from the world of life-enhancement. As a result, it has no natural life force. It must be parasitic to us, because it needs our life force to survive. If we withdraw our attention from it and instead focus on gratitude, love and joy, we enter a higher dimension and become exempt from the dark force, provided that we maintain a higher perspective in our thoughts and feelings. This requires practice until we have thoroughly trained our subconscious mind and transformed our limiting beliefs.
We are all capable of creating truly wonderful experiences for ourselves and everyone around us by transforming ourselves in greatest love and joy. This is what we all want, which means that it’s our innate state of being. We can unlimit ourselves from all of our deeply-held beliefs in suffering, illness, aging and death. From within ego-consciousness, this seems impossible, because the ego cannot know who we are beyond our limiting beliefs. Without limiting beliefs about ourselves, the ego does not exist, except as a cooperating participant with us in the empirical world, which we can direct with inner knowing in the heart of our Being.
Because the empirical world consists entirely of patterns of energy that our consciousness can interpret as physical sensations, we allow ourselves to believe that things exist apart from us or outside of our conscious presence. We have developed the realization that we are separate persons from everyone and everything else. This is a trick that we play on ourselves, and we all do it together. It’s part of human consciousness, which we all participate in empathically and telepathically, without knowing what is beyond the empirical world, or even how we exist.
This is where quantum physics can help us. It has discovered that everything is an expression of infinite consciousness. Although the quantum sciences haven’t discovered the origin of universal consciousness, we have the innate ability to go beyond the empirical world of physicality and find out about our true essence. We now have many books and video reports from people who have died and come back, informing us about their experiences beyond body-consciousness. The reports all confirm that beyond the body our awareness expands as far as we’re willing to go in an environment of great love and joy in the company of many wonderful persons, including friends and ancestors. If we can transcend our limiting beliefs, we can open our awareness beyond the body and even regenerate our bodies and live in this world as long as we desire in deepest love and joy. This is our destiny, and it’s governed by our beliefs about ourselves.