Conscious Expansion

Dramatic beauty all around us
photo © by Ken Schmitt
Removing Blocks to Expanded Consciousness
Whenever I begin to exaggerate something, I observe what I’m doing without interfering with the exaggeration. As the exaggeration plays out, I recognize that I have an underlying fear that has created victim-hood in an attempt to overcompensate for the deep fear of being less-than, and as a result creating the temptation to exaggerate my position. This has now come to my attention, and I can recognize the profoundness of this attempt to be my expanded self through the operations of the mind—the conscious ego-self. I now recognize that my heart knows my true self in a positive, high-vibratory spectrum of energy. I am naturally attracted to this frequency, because I feel the unconditional love and joy enter my being. This positive spectrum transforms all negative, low-frequency energy by the encounter of these energies. The high-frequency spectrum is a divine creation with unlimited creative potential and is protected by the inability of low-frequency energy to penetrate it. They are of different polarity and levels of frequency, resulting in parallel worlds. The transformation is in our own consciousness, once we know unconditional love and joy, which can only be known in its own frequency spectrum. This level of frequency is octaves above humanity’s current state of being. As our level of heart-consciousness rises, we radiate this transformation to all around us and throughout our species. This is how the growing number of awakened humans is raising the consciousness of humanity. We are altering human consciousness in the direction that we all deeply want to go—into the realm of deepest love, trust, freedom, gratitude and joy. Here we have no dependencies outside of our own creative ability.
We already have that creative ability, because we are constantly creating our present experiences through the quality of our emotions in collaboration with our awareness and attention, and even more so by our deepest fears. From here the only way to expanded consciousness is to recognize those fears. We begin by being aware of the times we find ourselves doing something that we know is not true to our higher self. We can look at the motivation. What is the real story here, with all of the subtleties and suppressed fears? Once we recognize the truth, we don’t need this fear any more. We can thank it for trying to protect us. We can realize the presence of the One Source of all energy in the greatest love and light. Challenging experiences are energy that we molded through our creative impulse at the time of the appearance of these fears. If these experiences were not created in love and joy, they had to come forth as low-frequency experiences without love. By loving these experiences that we created and recognizing the learning and wisdom they offered us, we could free ourselves from them and can use our newly-recognized expanded consciousness to keep growing and expanding. We can raise our vibration into the spectrum of the energy of the heart of our Being.

A work of art in the high volcanic desert.
photo © by Ken Schmitt
Haleakala Silversword
The Awakening Consciousness
The first step toward an awakened consciousness is recognizing all of our suppressed emotions—those that surround our awareness with boundaries based on fear. These must be brought into conscious awareness and accepted, loved and thanked for the experience we received, and then forgiven and dissolved, never to become a focus of energy again, as we withdraw our life force from these boundaries. By going through this kind of character processing, eventually we become completely free to roam the infinity of divine consciousness.
We can begin by learning how to bring forth grateful, loving emotions, knowing that we are unlimited in our conscious awareness. Our personal awareness is eternal, timeless, always present. We may be embodied or not. Our true nature is self-awareness in infinite Love. The more we can imagine being open to this and feeling it, the more it becomes our life stream. We can become aware of the energy current that comes through our heart. It always feels loving, joyful, peaceful, compassionate and understanding. This is our true nature. We are naturally potentially unlimited in our awareness of energetic dimensions beyond the empirical.
Those in the empirical frequency spectrum are unaware of anyone vibrating in the next higher octave. Our beliefs and perceptions are limited within the spectrum shared within our human-race-consciousness. To move beyond this frequency spectrum, we become energetically invisible to those vibrating in the lower frequency range, just as human eyesight operates within limited boundaries. As a result, we are protected from low-frequency beings, who are not aware of us.
All beings in our new world are moved by heart-energy. The entire realm is beautiful, energized with joy and well-being. We recognize that we all share the same consciousness, including all beings and things created by the Creator. We are all telepathic, empathic, and possess every other advanced ability. Our abilities are all infinite, because we are aspects of the Creator, endowed with the ability to focus the Creator's powers through our conscious awareness. We do this by living at zero point emotionally and mentally, having no attachment to the outcome of anything we create. We just enjoy participating in the process and letting our naturally creative powers run with our visions, empowered by our emotions, always for the good of all. We can recognize one another as divine beings of Light and Love in the radiance of our heart energy. We can create the fulfillment of our heart’s desires.

The drama and majesty of the land meeting the sea
photo © by Ken Schmitt