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Writer's pictureKenneth Schmitt

Delving into Ourselves

We have believed that we must hypnotize our ego mind in order to communicate directly with our subconscious. It is true that the ego mind must be inactive, as is the case under hypnosis, but it can be aware of subconscious communication. We can learn to query our subconscious and be aware of the answers. In order to do this, our ego-mind must be trained to be placid. It must feel secure and untroubled by anything. These are qualities that we can recognize and accept into our self-awareness. It can be helpful to go into a deep, imaginative meditation into oneself, while aligning with the vibratory presence of the Spirit of the Earth and the conscious presence of our heart. In this state of alignment, we can be calm and aware of our non-localized presence. We can be completely open to our inner knowing, deeper than our subconscious and beyond genius.


What has kept us from this expansive conscious awareness is our own limiting beliefs about ourselves. As we continue opening our heart, we align ourselves with the life-enhancing energies of our conscious life-force. Paying attention to the qualities of these vibrations keeps us in a grateful and joyous state of Being. Our ego-consciousness is calm and observant. In this state of consciousness, there is only life-enhancement and fulfillment in every way. As before, the only restriction from constant ecstasy is our own tolerance.


The more we open our heart, the greater is our joy. We need have no attraction for diminishment; only for brilliance and unconditional acceptance and love. This is what can fill our life in every way. We can be in gratitude for every situation and encounter, because we can understand the meaning of everything from an inner perspective beyond spacetime. There is a bigger picture than one recognized by our species consciousness, and it is open to our imagination. When we know what it is, we can realize it in our experience by projecting our awareness in a similar way to recognizing a specific wave pattern and identifying it as a physical proton. Except for their vibratory presence, we don’t need to recognize atoms and molecules. We just need to realize the quality of their radiant presence in order to direct their expression and shape our experience.


While locked into the limitations of our ego-consciousness, we have had no idea of our infinite essence, unlimited awareness and creative power. Within the parameters of the trance of ego-consciousness, we have believed in our limitations, and we have rejected conscious expansion beyond them. If we want it and are willing to realize what it is, personal transformation is possible. An intellectual understanding of this process can be helpful in directing us toward a high-vibratory use of our imagination and emotions. As we become more vibrant, we increase our openness to greater support and trust in our essence. We are fractals of the infinite consciousness of our Creator, the source of our essence and conscious life-force.


Once we know our potential to realize the truth about our Self, we can make a conscious effort to awaken from the human trance. We can become aware of our presence beyond time and space, and our ability to change our human expression to greater beauty and heart-felt charisma. As the directors, artists and actors of our lives, our expansion happens intentionally on our part. It all depends upon calming the ego and training it to be inactively observant.


It may be helpful to know what to expect from the various parts of our consciousness. The subconscious has only deductive reasoning. It does not know the future and can only report the past, going back forever. It can respond only to simple questions and can give accurate answers. The ego-conscious mind has both deductive and inductive reasoning, due to our free will. We can believe whatever we want, and we can think and feel however we want. Taking command of these aspects of ourselves allows us to create our lives intentionally. Beyond the limitations of inductive and deductive reasoning is inner knowing. This is the vibration of our creative, life-enhancing conscious life-force and our connection to infinite consciousness.


The ego does not recognize our inner knowing, because it is in a different aspect of our consciousness and a different dimension of our awareness. Aligning with the life-enhancing vibrations of our heart-consciousness opens us to our hidden abilities of greater awareness and creativity. We can go through a shift from the shadows of duality to the positivity of infinite love, enabling us to realize the magnitude of who we are.


When we fill our attention with love and joy, Self-Realization of our Essence becomes possible. We can feel that we are a non-localized presence of awareness, able to open to all kinds of creative life-enhancement.


When our subconscious mind trusts us to direct ourselves in alignment with the consciousness of the heart of our Being, amazing memories surface for our awareness and resolution of trauma in the light of unconditional acceptance, love and compassion. We begin to free ourselves from limiting beliefs about ourselves. With much practice, we begin to realize that we are present wherever we direct our attention and align our feelings. We can vibrate in resonance with our essence, which holds our highest and best feelings.

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