We are gradually and ultimately moving into a realm where everything will be wiped clean. Gradually and steadily our accustomed way of life is dissolving. Because we can learn to create whatever we need, we will be free of assets and liabilities. We can live however we want in the enhancement of all life. We can no longer believe in or recognize aging, suffering and death for ourselves. We can be completely free of anything outside of our own conscious direction.
Already we have free choice in how we want to think and feel about our lives. We can learn to direct our focus of attention in every moment to the energetic patterns and scenarios that give us joy. As our remaining limiting beliefs about ourselves become obvious, we can realize their discordance with the way we want to be. If we want to make our lives easy, without stress or fear, we can give our complete attention to the way we feel in our heart. Unaffected by anything outside of the vibrations that we emit, we determine the qualities of our experiences.
By paying attention to the energies that we love, and in understanding everything from the perspective of compassion and gratitude, we elevate and shape our own energy signature into enjoyable vibrations. These attract resonating experiences, opening our awareness to greater enhancement of life. In this state of Being, we are beyond duality, and our needs and desires are fulfilled. We do not need anything from our former world of experience. We can imagine our increasing vitality, and we can realize that our bodies are regenerating.
Our entire world happens in our own consciousness. By recognizing energetic patterns of swirling light-beings in the quantum field, we make them real in our experience. In the physical world, everything is comprised of sub-microscopic light beings, swirling at light-speed in patterns that our consciousness interprets as material reality. Only with our attention and belief, are they real in our presence. Although we have allowed ourselves to be trained to overlook their consciousness and light-essence, they are nevertheless light beings in their essence, and they comprise everything in our world. In the structure of our bodies, from the subatomic entities to our entire physical presence, we are conscious beings of light. We radiate electromagnetic energy of light, which our consciousness interprets as stimuli of our senses. What really is this consciousness of light? Quantum scientists have determined that all subatomic beings appear to have a species consciousness that is universal throughout the cosmos. We also have a species consciousness that is universal throughout the cosmos, and which we can be aware of, even though we have a kind of localized presence of being within the awareness of our essence. Together with all the subatomic entities comprising our bodies, we have an inner knowing beyond rational thought and emotional feelings, but expressing itself through them. It is a kind of telepathy that pervades human consciousness and beyond, and it is part of our nature. It comes to us when we are in a placid state of being with our presence vibrating in gratitude, love and compassion, because these vibrations bring us into alignment with our innate level of receptivity.
By focusing upon people and situations from the perspective of compassion and love, we can resolve our limiting beliefs, and have unlimited power in our attention and energetic alignment with the creative source of our life.
It is possible for us to realize the majesty of our creative essence by imagining and feeling what it is like. We are everything and nothing always. We are our presence of awareness beyond space and time. We are non-localized beyond physicality, unless we express ourselves in some way, such as through our physical bodies. We are the ones who see through our physical eyes and experience everything that our bodies experience. At the same time, we are beyond time, living as a conscious presence with infinite creative potential, realizing our expanded conscious reality.